内容記述 |
幼児の「気になる食べ方」に関する保育士の評価と関連する要因を明らかにすることを目的とした.保育所20施設の3歳以上の園児602名と保護者および保育士を対象とした.調査項目は,子どもの属性(年齢,性別,身長,体重),歯の発達年齢,う歯の本数,「食べ方が気になる項目」20項目とした.最大咬合圧は,オクルーザルフォースメーターGM10を使用した.「気になる食べ方」項目の因子分析の結果,3因子15項目が抽出された.第Ⅰ因子は「咀嚼嚥下機能」,第2因子は「摂食機能」,第Ⅲ因子は「口腔周囲筋機能」と命名した.「気になる食べ方」の下位尺度得点と総合得点を目的変数とし,年齢,性別,身長,体重,カウプ指数,歯齢,う歯本数,最大咬合圧を説明変数とした重回帰分析を行った結果,総合得点は,性別,身長,歯齢,最大咬合圧で有意な関連があった.第Ⅰ因子は,身長,歯齢,最大咬合圧で有意な関連が認められた.第Ⅱ因子は,身長,歯齢,う歯本数,最大咬合圧で有意な関連が認められた.第Ⅲ因子は,年齢,性別,身長,カウプ指数,歯齢で有意な関連が認められた. 本調査で検討した3因子15項目の「気になる食べ方」項目を,保育者や保護者が食べ方に問題を感じている子どものスクリーニングに用いることによって,専門職による必要な支援につなげることができるのではないか考える.また,食育支援の効果の判定に用いるなどの活用も期待できると考える. The purpose of this study was to clarify factors related to nursery school teachers’ evaluations of “ways of eating that cause concern” for preschool children . The subjects were 602 nursery school children from 20 nursery schools aged 3 or over, and guardians and nursery school teachers. The survey items were children’s attributes( age, sex, height, weight), developmental age of teeth, number of carious teeth, and 20 items related to “ways of eating that cause concern”. Maximum occlusal pressure was measured using an occlusal force meter GM10. Factor analysis of the “ways of eating that cause concern” items extracted three factors and 15 items. Factor 1 was called “mastication and swallowing function,” Factor 2 was called “feeding function,” and Factor 3 was called “perioral muscle function.” Multiple regression analysis was carried out with the total score of the “ways of eating that cause concern” subscales as the objective variable and age, sex, height, weight, Kaup’s index, tooth age, number of carious teeth, and maximum occlusal pressure as explanatory variables. The results showed that total score was significantly associated with sex, height, tooth age, and maximum occlusal pressure. A significant association with Factor 1 was found for height, tooth age, and maximum occlusal pressure. A significant association with Factor 2 was found for height, tooth age, number of carious teeth, and maximum occlusal pressure. A significant association with Factor 3 was found for age, sex, height, Kaup’s index, and tooth age. Using the three factors and 15 items of “ways of eating that cause concern” to screen children that nursery school teachers or guardians feel have problems with their ways of eating may allow the necessary support to be given by professionals. In addition, they are expected to have application in areas such as judging the effectiveness of dietary education support. |