@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000992, author = {Ahmed, Amran and Hamid, Nor Fuad Bin Abdul and Takahi, Sachiko}, issue = {63}, journal = {秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 自然科学}, month = {Mar}, note = {The main objective of this study is to explore the employee perception on the impact of ISO 9000 registration on Total Quality Management (TQM) practices of the public sector in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Thus, this study examined to what extent does the employee's perceptions of certified IS09000 department and non-certified ISO department affect on TQM practices namely, top management commitment, teamwork, empowerment, training & development and motivational strategies (reward and recognitions) and to what extent the relationship of between the independent variables (status of department) and dependent variables (TQM practices) is moderated by size of department, years of employee's experience and education level of employee in public sector. The study was carried out on the federal government departments/agencies in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. The study classifies the public sector as certified ISO 9000 and non-ISO departments in relation to the TQM practices on employee/individual perceptions. Five constructs of TQM practices in the Malaysian public sector were identified. The questionnaire based on the five-point Likert Scale was chosen for this study from non-probability sampling method (targeted/purposive) of certified ISO and non-ISO departments. A total of 240 self-administered questionnaires were sent to these departments in order to get the public sector's employees perception on the impact of ISO 9000 implementation on TQM practices, which covered executive level (top management and middle management) as well as non-executive (supporting 1 and 2) of the Malaysian public sector organizational hierarchy system. A total of 162 questionnaires were returned which made up 67% response rate. The result reveals that there is no significant impact found between ISO 9000 registered department and non-ISO department on all five TQM variables pertaining to top management commitment, teamwork, empowerment, training and development, and reward and recognition. However, there is significant moderating impact found between ISO 9000 registered department and all five TQM variables when size of department was used as a moderator, but partial moderating impact supported on non-ISO department. It is learnt that size of department has a strong moderating impact to ISO department on their TQM practices which has shown that bigger department size has a higher mean score pertaining to TQM practices, which can be summarized that ISO 9000 has been treated as a work manual or reference for the bigger departments to ease their work process flow in an organization.}, pages = {7--14}, title = {The Impact of ISO Registration on Total Quality Maganagement (TQM) Practice of the Public Sector in KOTA Kinabalu Sabah}, year = {2008} }