@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000855, author = {Kotake, Naoya and Okazaki, Kenichi and Ujihara, Takanori and Kanda, Yoshiteru}, issue = {1/2}, journal = {International Journal of the Society of Materials Engineering for Resources}, month = {Nov}, note = {In this study, the role of fly ash as a grinding aid to facilitate fine grinding of limestone for improved flowability was examined by carrying out batch grinding test for varying feed amount and grinding time, while maintaining the limestone to fly ash ratio at 5 :1. As a result, it was found that fly ash was an effective grinding aid for the fine grinding of limestone, and the optimum feed amount of limestone and fly ash to the grinding mill increased with increase of grinding time.}, pages = {40--44}, title = {An Investigation on the Effective Use of Fly Ash ―Fine Grinding of Limestone with Fly Ash as a Grinding Aid―}, volume = {14}, year = {2006} }