@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000836, author = {鎌田, 芳幸 and 稗田, 泰之 and 檀井, 正敏 and 前田, 知幸 and 森田, 成二 and 喜々津, 哲 and 内藤, 勝之 and Kamata, Yoshiyuki and Hieda, Hiroyuki and Sakurai, Masatoshi and Maeda, Tomoyuki and Morita, Seiji and Kikitsu, Akira and Naito, Katsuyuki}, issue = {1/2}, journal = {素材}, month = {Nov}, note = {Hard disk drives have been showing a 100% annual growth rate in areal recording density. In order to keep this rate in the future, we must overcome the thermal instability problem of the high-density magnetic recording media. Patterned media is a promising candidate for future high-density magnetic recording because it can improve thermal stability and reduce media transition noise. In this review a new method of fabricating patterned media with an artificially assisted self-assembled mask w.as described.}, pages = {6--10}, title = {自己組織化を利用したCOCrPtパターンドメディアの作製と情報ストレージヘの応用}, volume = {19}, year = {2006} }