@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000823, author = {内田, 富士夫 and 進藤, 亮悦 and 鎌田, 健一 and 後藤, 正治 and UCHIDA, Fujio and SHINDO, Ryoetsu and KAMADA, Ken-ichi and GOTO, Shoji}, issue = {1}, journal = {素材物性学雑誌}, month = {Jun}, note = {In order to understand the quenching crack phenomenon in cast steel, a disk shaped low alloy cast steel specimen having a opening was quenched in water at 1123K. The behavior of a quench crack was investigated by microstructure observation and analyzed by the Heat treatment CAE software. The results obtained are as follows. (1)The quench cracking easily occurred as the volume of specimen increased. The mass effect for quenching crack was significant. (2)The quench cracking was due to time lag in martensitic transformation at surface side and inner side of the quenched specimen, but not due to the thermal stress in the specimen. (3)The behavior of a quenching crack was able to be predicted by the Heat treatment CAE software. (4)Therefore, the Heat treatment CAE software is useful for a counterplan preventing the quenching crack.}, pages = {8--12}, title = {熱処理CAEソフトウェアを活用した低合金鋳鋼材の焼割れシミュレーション}, volume = {17}, year = {2004} }