@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000658, author = {坪井, ひろみ and Tsuboi, Hiromi}, journal = {秋田大学工学資源学部研究報告, Scientific and technical reports of Faculty of Engineering and Resource Science,Akita University}, month = {Oct}, note = {Admission office-managed entrance examinations, hereinafter AO, was introduced into Japan in 1990. Since then, the number of universities/colleges which bring in AO has been increasing rapidly. 45 national and prefectural universities/colleges implemented AO as of the 2006 academic year. The Faculty of Engineering and Resource Science, Akita University also introduced AO in 2003, and a total of 40 students has enrolled so far. This report first gives an overview of the state of implementation of AO, which has been adapted to an education system in Japan, and then examines how AO is carried out in the Faculty of Engineering and Resource Science Akita University.}, pages = {31--34}, title = {AO入試実施状況に関する報告}, volume = {27}, year = {2006} }