@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000613, author = {佐々木, 久長 and 本橋, 豊 and SASAKI, Hisanaga and MOTOHASHI, Yutaka}, issue = {2}, journal = {秋田大学医学部 保健学科紀要}, month = {Oct}, note = {本研究は自殺率が高い地域の住民が,1)身近な人を自殺で喪うという体験をどれだけ持っているか,2)自殺に対してどのような意識を持っているか,3)自殺予防に何が必要だと考えているかを明らかにすることを目的として行った.対象は秋田県A町の40歳以上の住民を対象に無作為に抽出された438名で,281名を分析の対象とした.結果として1)住民の38.4%が自殺による死別体験を持っていた.2)自殺に対する意識としては「悲しいこと」という感情反応が最も多かった.意識については年齢段階や自殺による死別体験の有無によって傾向に違いがあった.3)予防については「家族関係」と「経済的支援」が多かった.以上の結果から,今後の自殺予防対策では,「悲しい」という感情に配慮し,家族関係や経済的困難に対してより具体的な支援をすることが望まれる., The purpose of this study into people living in areas of high suicide rate was to clarify how many people had experienced the loss of a person close to them by suicide, what perceptions they have of suicide, and what they consider necessary to prevent suicide. A questionnaire was distributed to a random sample of 438 residents of a rural town in northern Akita aged 40 years or over. A total of 281 replies were received. The results showed that 38.4% of people had lost a person close to them through suicide. The most prevalent emotional reaction was sadness. Perception differed depending on age and whether or not the person had experienced bereavement. The most frequent answers concerning prevention of suicide were family relations and economic support. From these results, it is desirable to take these feelings of sadness into consideration and to offer more concrete support for family or economic difficulties.}, pages = {8--12}, title = {自殺高率地域住民の自殺に対する意識}, volume = {13}, year = {2005} }