@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006035, author = {瀬尾, 知子 and SENOO, Tomoko}, journal = {秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 教育科学}, month = {Feb}, note = {This study aimed to clarify the changes in children’s family lives during the transitional periods of entering nursery school, kindergarten, and elementary school. The focus is on changes in routine at home, such as the time of getting up, going to bed, sleeping, and morning and evening mealtimes of 5-year-old children either at kindergarten, nursery school, or a certified child center, and the first-grade students of elementary schools. Results indicated that the first-grade students at elementary schools showed earlier times of waking up and having breakfast than other preschool children, and their sleeping hours tended to be shorter. Furthermore, no difference was confirmed in the time of going to bed and having dinner between preschool children and first-graders at an elementary school. The above suggested that the children’s routines would change from family-oriented to schooloriented lifestyles after entering elementary school. The transition period from preschool education facilities to elementary schools appears to be a significant change in children’s lives, which is demonstrated by the abovementioned changes in their routines. Thus, it is essential to take their routines at school and at home into consideration.}, pages = {51--55}, title = {保幼小接続期における子どもの家庭生活 ― 就学前後の子どもの生活時間の変化に着目して ―}, volume = {78}, year = {2023} }