@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006023, author = {中尾, 信一 and NAKAO, Shinichi}, journal = {秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学}, month = {Feb}, note = {Roman Holiday (1953) is one of the most import works by Dalton Trumbo as a screenwriter in his “blacklist” era. Based on It Happened One Night (1934), directed by Frank Capra, Trumbo wrote a story about a princess escaping from her loyal family and a journalist trying to write an article about her. There are some differences between both films, while they share one important theme: each main character has a good virtue. Trumbo consistently kept emphasizing this quality of “virtue” in his works. By defending the value of “virtue” in Roman Holiday, he fiercely denounced and protested the system of the “blacklist” which expelled many talented filmmakers from Hollywood in the 1950s.}, pages = {61--65}, title = {寓意としての『ローマの休日』 ―「ブラックリスト」時代のダルトン・トランボ ―}, volume = {78}, year = {2023} }