@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000598, author = {佐々木, 真紀子 and 石井, 範子 and 長谷部, 真木子 and 工藤, 由紀子 and Sasaki, Makiko and Ishii, Noriko and Hasebe, Makiko and Kudoh, Yukiko}, issue = {2}, journal = {秋田大学医学部 保健学科紀要}, month = {Oct}, note = {本研究では,看護学生の「注射法」習得のための学習方法に対する保護者の意識を明らかにすることを目的に調査を実施した.対象者はA看護系短期大学部の保護者240名であり,調査票の回収数216 (回収率90%) であった.調査の結果,看護学生が「注射法」の技術を習得することに対する保護者の意識として次のことが明らかになった.1.卒業までには注射ができるようになることを期待している.2.免許を持たない学生であっても技術の習得のためには「人」や「学生同士」で授業で注射を行うのはやむをえないという意識であった., In this study we carried out a survey into attitudes towards students' methods of learning injection techniques held by students' guardians. The subjects of the study were 240 guardians of students at "A" nursing college. Questionnaires were collected from 216 participants (90% return rate). The results of this investigation demonstrated that the following attitudes were held by students' guardians: 1. It was expected that the students would attain the ability to carry out injections by graduation. 2. 2. It was thought necessary for all students, even those not holding a nursing license, to carry out injections on each other in order to obtain the necessary skills.}, pages = {138--144}, title = {看護学生の「注射法」の学習方法に対する保護者の意識}, volume = {12}, year = {2004} }