@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000595, author = {津軽谷, 恵 and 湯浅, 孝男 and Tsugaruya, Megumi and Yuasa, Takao}, issue = {2}, journal = {秋田大学医学部 保健学科紀要}, month = {Oct}, note = {本研究は,在宅高齢者の精神的健康度について家族形態別に違いがみられるかを検討する目的で,老人クラブに所属している在宅高齢者64名 (平均年齢73.8±4.9歳) を対象に抑うつ状態の程度と主観的幸福感について調査した.抑うつ状態の評価については Geriatric Depression Scale の短縮版 (以下 GDS-15) を,主観的幸福感の評価については改訂 PGC モラールスケール (Philadelphia Geriatric Center Moral Scale:以下 PGC) の短縮版を用い,面接法で実施した.その結果,抑うつ状態においては家族形態別に有意差は認められなかったが,主観的幸福感において,家族形態別に有意差が認められ,独居群が同居群と比較して有意に低いことが明らかとなった.そのことより,地域における単身世帯の高齢者へのサポートの必要性が示唆された., Sixty-four elderly men and women (average age 73.8±4.9 years) living at home who also belonged to old People's Clubs were assessed by interview to investigate any differences with regard to mental health linked to family structure. An examination of depression and subjective well-being was carried out using Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15) and Philadelphia Geriatric Center Moral Scale (PGC). The results did not show that family structure was a significant factor in depression. However family structure was seen to be a significant factor in subjective well-being, which was lower in subjects living alone than those living with their families. This suggests that support is necessitated for elderly people living on their own.}, pages = {114--120}, title = {老人クラブ所属の在宅高齢者における精神的健康度について}, volume = {12}, year = {2004} }