@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005617, author = {髙橋, 里夏 and 西川, 竜二 and TAKAHASHI, Satoka and NISHIKAWA, Ryoji}, issue = {77}, journal = {秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 自然科学}, month = {Mar}, note = {We surveyed public restrooms in 19 parks in Akita City and interviewed Akita City’s Park Division to investigate the current status of the restroom facilities and their maintenance. We also conducted a questionnaire survey with childrearing households about park restrooms to gain insight into users’ thoughts about and impressions of park restrooms. The results showed there to be some room for improvement in their brightness inside and security (their need to be in an open location that is easily visible from other areas of the park). There was no problem with hygiene due to the use of stain- and odor-resistant floors and toilets and cleaning and inspection by cleaners two to five times a week. Of the respondents who had used park restrooms, 60% felt that they were “not clean and tidy,” and 60% of the respondents who had not used park restrooms also had the impression that they were “not clean and tidy.” To promote the use of park restrooms by child-rearing households, we therefore need 1) to improve their lighting and ensure that they are easily visible, and 2) to inform users that the park restrooms are appropriately cleaned and managed.}, pages = {15--23}, title = {秋田市における子育て世帯が利用しやすい公園トイレに関する調査研究}, year = {2022} }