@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005600, author = {和泉, 浩 and IZUMI, Hiroshi}, issue = {77}, journal = {秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学}, month = {Mar}, note = {The purpose of this article is to reconsider Walter Ong’s famous concepts of ‘orality / literacy’ and Jonathan Stern’s influential critique of ‘the audiovisual litany’. In his critique of ‘the audiovisual litany’ Stern condemns the Ong’s concepts, especially the concept of ‘orality’ for having roots deep ‘in the Christian spiritualist tradition’ and proposes the study of communication ‘without a psychosocial, developmental concept such as orality’.   This article considers Stern’s criticism through comparing ‘the audiovisual litany’ with the concept of ‘gender’, especially its social constructionist concept, both of which contain criticism of naturalistic understandings of body, in that this comparison elucidates the significance and problems of Stern’s critique of ‘the audiovisual litany’ and his proposition of ‘without orality’. This article argues that the proposition of ‘without orality’ is one-sided, because the concept of orality can be conceived in relations with its opposite: literacy, if they are dualistic concepts, so the proposition of ‘without orality’ needs to consider the positions of the concept of literacy. This article also argues that ‘the audiovisual litany’ becomes indispensable framework for scrutinizing historically ‘the unacknowledged weight of a two-thousand-year-old Christian theology’ on ‘the audiovisual litany’, like the concept of gender. If the concept of gender as dualistic concepts is problematic, we need the dualistic concepts to clarify its social cultural contexts, influences and problems, and this can lead to bring us the possibilities of their alternatives. The same can be said for ‘the audiovisual litany’.}, pages = {1--10}, title = {声の文化/文字の文化と視聴覚連 ―― ジョナサン・スターンの「視聴覚連祷」批判の再検討 ――}, year = {2022} }