@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005592, author = {藤井, 慶博 and 佐藤, 忠浩 and 千葉, 雅樹 and FUJII, Yoshihiro and SATO, Tadahiro and CHIBA, Masaki}, issue = {77}, journal = {秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 教育科学}, month = {Mar}, note = {In this study, we examined the results, issues, and measures for future promotion through two practices in which junior high schools distributed simultaneous interactive classes to their students who were absent due to medical treatment. An interview survey was conducted with the teachers involved in the practices. The results of the survey suggested that the effects of the distribution of simultaneous interactive classes through the utilization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) was positive and this distribution contributed to the students’ return to school. The contributing factors were thought to be the teachers’ attitudes toward their students, the leadership of those in managerial positions, the presence of key people, and the mobility and interactivity of ICT. The improvement of the network environment, smooth transmission of video and audio, and the improvement of the teachers’ ability to utilize ICT also were pointed out as issues. As measures toward future promotion, it was considered necessary to improve technology infrastructure, develop the ability of both teachers and students to utilize ICT, and devise learning activities and the evaluation of student learning according to the characteristics of each subject, etc. It was also expected to be utilized to support pupils and students who do not physically attend schools.}, pages = {105--114}, title = {病気療養児へのICTを活用した同時双方向型授業配信の成果と課題に関する検討 −中学校における実践に関わった教員の語りを通して−}, year = {2022} }