@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005488, author = {桐生, 健太郎 and 山浦, 玄武 and 角浜, 孝行 and 田中, 郁信 and 高木, 大地 and 山本, 浩史 and Kiryu, Kentaro and Yamaura, Gembu and Kadohama, Takayuki and Tanaka, Fuminobu and Takagi, Daichi and Yamamoto, Hiroshi}, issue = {3}, journal = {日本血管外科学会雑誌}, month = {}, note = {膝窩静脈性血管瘤は肺血栓塞栓症の原因となりうる重要な疾患であり,その中でも稀な外傷性膝窩静脈性血管瘤を経験したので,報告する.症例は59 歳女性.失神と低酸素血症で前医搬送され,CT,超音波検査にて肺血栓塞栓症と左膝窩静脈性血管瘤を指摘された.血栓症を繰り返す可能性があり,手術目的に当科紹介となった.全身麻酔下に瘤切除,瘤口閉鎖術を施行し,その後は1 年間の抗凝固療法を行った.現在まで血栓症の再発なく経過している., A popliteal vein aneurysm (PVA) could be an important pathology causing pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE). We report a rare case of traumatic PVA. A 59-year-old woman presented an onset of syncope and hypoxemia. The Computed tomography and ultrasonography revealed PTE and PVA. Because she had a risk of repetive PTE, she was refered to our department for surgery. We performed PVA resection and closure of the aneurysm ostium, which was followed by anticoagulant therapy for one year. To date there is no recurrence of vein thrombosis or PTE.}, pages = {221--223}, title = {外傷性膝窩静脈性血管瘤が塞栓源と考えられた肺血栓塞栓症の1例}, volume = {27}, year = {2018} }