@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000548, author = {小松, 和紀 and 北島, 英樹 and 武田, 篤 and 今野, 和夫 and KOMATSU, Kazunori and KITAJIMA, Hideki and TAKEDA, Atsushi and KONNO, Kazuo}, journal = {秋田大学教育文化学部 教育実践研究紀要}, month = {Apr}, note = {自閉症児者の障害特性として,感覚過敏の問題が最近注目されてきている.多くの高機能自閉症者によって,いかに感覚過敏が辛いものであるかが語られると同時に,自閉症児者の原因不明のパニックにもこの問題が関与している可能性が指摘されている.本研究では,この感覚過敏に着目し,自閉症の子どもが苦痛や不安を抱かずに参加できる授業づくりに取り組んだ実践を報告した.感覚過敏に配慮するために,自閉症の子どもたちを他の知的障害の子どもたちと別のグループにして指導を行うことに対して,多くの教師は当初強い抵抗感を抱いた.しかし,それまで授業への集中が難しく,パニックを起こしていた子どもたちが,集中して課題に取り組めるようになり,教師の意識は大きく変わった.今,自閉症教育に求められているのは,自閉症の障害特性の理解と教師の意識改革である., The present paper reports on an exploratory lesson for autistic children. The course was specially designed, so the students with hypersensitivity might participate in classes without undue psychological pressure. The problem of hypersensitivity has recently been noticed among researchers and practitioners as it is one of the major causes of panic-stricken behaviors of those with severe dysfunctional autism. In the present program, autistic children were placed in a separate class from those with other types of mental retardation, so it became possible to deal with them with particular attention to the common problem. Despite initial concern expressed by teachers, the program eventually turned out to be successful to a large extent: Students exhibited a greater degree of concentration on given tasks than in previous types of mixed classes. Accordingly, teachers' attitudes toward the program changed from resistance to acceptance. The paper concludes by emphasizing the importance of understanding and appreciating unique traits of autistic students on the part of teachers.}, pages = {65--76}, title = {自閉症の感覚過敏に着目した授業改善の取り組み : 秋田大学附属養護学校小学部の実践から}, volume = {27}, year = {2005} }