@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005169, author = {成田, 雅樹 and NARITA, Masaki}, journal = {秋田大学教育文化学部教育実践研究紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {本論文は,「書くことに関する『言葉による見方・考え方』とその指導法としての『文種換え』の研究」として採択された,科学研究費補助金助成研究(基盤研究(C)19K02802)の初年度(令和1 年度)の研究結果をまとめたものである. 内容は大きく2 つある.1 つは,書くことに関する「言葉による見方・考え方」の具体例の一覧表試案である.もう1 つは,この表の説明と,この表を作成する過程や作成後に行った考察の結果である. 主な考察結果は以下の通りである.「言葉による見方・考え方」には質の違いがあり,3 つに類別できる.1 つは,基盤となる価値意識で,「~することはよいことである」と言った,学習に対する本質的な態度の表れである.2 つめは,「見方」に関するもので,着眼対象をどう捉えているかという対象認識の表れである.これは「~は~である」と言った,命題形式の宣言的知識である.3 つめは,「考え方」に関するもので,知識や認識,概念等を操作する思考の際に働く,操作や手順に関する方法的知識・手続き的知識の表れである.「~については,~と~との異同の確認から始めるものだ」といった,「常識」「留意点」「教訓」「ポイント」の表現になるものである.以上の3 つについては,1 つめが2 つめと3 つめの基盤になると考えられる., In this article I summarize the results of my first-year research on“ Teaching Japanese Writing With a Focus on the “Point of View and Way of Thinking About Language” and“ Changing Genres of Writing,” which was conducted with a Grantin- Aid for Scientific Research(Grant in Aid for Scientific Research(C): issue number 19K02802). The research deals with two issues: the development of a tentative list on the examples of teaching Japanese writing with a focus on the “point of view and way of thinking about language” and the making of a commentary on the list, including a description of its development process and the results of the examination. The results of the examination reveal that there are qualitative differences on the concept of“ point of view and way of thinking about language,” which can be classified into three categories: (1)the first category is about an awareness of fundamental values which represent essential attitudes toward learning, as seen in the phrase“ to do A is good”(; 2)the second category is about the“ point of view,“ which shows the recognition of how people view the object and is regarded as a declarative knowledge in the form of a proposition “A is B”(: 3)the third category is about the“ way of thinking”, which works during the thinking process in dealing with those such as knowledge, cognition, concept, and is considered as a representation of a methodological and procedural knowledge about the process. The third category is concerned with an expression “A should begin with checking the differences between B and C”. Of the three categories, the second and third(i.e., the point of view and way of thinking)develop on the basis of the first category(i.e., an awareness of fundamental values).}, pages = {15--28}, title = {書くことに関する「言葉による見方・考え方」とその指導法としての「文種換え」の研究(1)}, volume = {42}, year = {2020} }