@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004764, author = {上村, 佐知子 and 佐竹 , 將宏 and 照井, 佳乃 and 津軽谷, 恵 and 佐藤, 亜希子 and 伊藤, 昭 and 木元, 裕介 and 岩澤, 里美 and 鈴木, 瞭平 and 水野, 京子 and UEMURA, Sachiko and SATAKE, Masahiro and TERUI, Yoshino and TSUGARUYA, Megumi and SATO, Akiko and ITO, Akira and KIMOTO, Yusuke and IWASAWA, Satomi and SUZUKI, Ryohei and MIZUNO, Kyoko}, issue = {2}, journal = {秋田大学大学院医学系研究科保健学専攻紀要, Health Sciences Bulletin Akita University}, month = {Oct}, note = {和太鼓演奏は芸術活動でありながら,上半身も下半身も適度な運動ができる.また,運動課題と認知課題を同時に課す二重課題であることから脳を活性させる効果も期待ができる. 今回,高齢者を対象とした半年に及ぶ太鼓ワークショップに関わり,精神運動機能や日常生活活動(ActivityofDailyLiving;ADL)などからその効果を検証した. その結果,運動機能では,全身筋力を反映する両握力と動的立位バランス尺度の FRT(FunctionalReachtest)に有意な向上が認められた.呼吸機能では,一秒量(FEV1)に有意な向上が見られた.さらに,手段的 ADL 能力を示す老研式活動指標で有意な改善が認められた.その他のすべての項目で有意に低下するものはなかった. 和太鼓を叩く動作やかけ声によって筋力やバランス機能,呼吸機能が向上した可能性がある.また,参加者同士やファシリテーターとの交流が深まり,社会的な自立度が促進されたと考える.  Wadaiko playing is an artistic activity that serves to train the upper and lower body. Further, it is a dual task that involves performance of motor and cognitive tasks simultaneously; therefore, it can be expected to activate the brain.   In this study, we examined the effects of a Wadaiko workshop conducted for a period of 6 months on the mental and motor functions and activity of daily living (ADL) in the elderly.   Consequently, in terms of motor function, both grip strength and FRT (dynamic standing balance) were significantly improved (p<0.05, p<0.01). Regarding respiratory function, a significant improvement was observed in the forced expiratory volume in one second (p<0.05). In addition, significant improvement was observed in the index of activity based on the Rouken-style, indicating instrumental ADL (p<0.05). None of the other items showed a significant decrease.   Our results indicated that muscle strength, balance, and breathing function are improved by the exercise of Wadaiko playing. In addition, the interaction between participants and facilitators deepened, and social independence was promoted.}, pages = {23--29}, title = {高齢者に対する体験型太鼓ワークショップの効果}, volume = {27}, year = {2019} }