@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004757, author = {小西, 真愉子 and 篠原, ひとみ and 成田, 好美 and 工藤, 直子 and 兒玉, 英也 and KONISHI, Mayuko and SHINOHARA, Hitomi and NARITA, Yoshimi and KUDO, Naoko and KODAMA, Hideya}, issue = {1}, journal = {秋田大学大学院医学系研究科保健学専攻紀要, Health Sciences Bulletin Akita University}, month = {Mar}, note = {【目的】先行研究をもとに,1.妊娠期の睡眠と周産期のメンタルヘルスとの関連,2.妊娠期の睡眠と産科的アウトカムとの関連,3.妊娠期の睡眠が出生後の児の睡眠に及ぼす影響を明らかにする. 【方法】医学中央雑誌 Web 版,SCOPUS を用いて「妊娠」or「妊婦」and「睡眠」または「pregnancy」and「sleep」をキーワードとして固定し,関連するキーワードを追加して検索し,40件を抽出した.引用・参考した文献の出典を明らかにし,著作権を遵守して実施した. 【結果】40件の内訳は,「周産期のメンタルヘルスとの関連」19件,「産科的アウトカムとの関連」18件,「出生後の児の睡眠に与える影響」3件であった.睡眠の評価は主観的評価指標が多く,客観的評価指標を含めた調査は40件中5件のみであった.妊娠期の主観的睡眠障害は,①妊娠期・産褥期のうつ症状(16件),②妊娠期の不安症状(7件),③帝王切開や吸引分娩の増加(7件),④早産の増加(5件)と関連していた.また,妊娠後期の就寝時刻は乳児の睡眠覚醒リズムの確立と関連していた(2件). 【考察】妊娠中の睡眠状態の悪化は,周産期の母子双方へ影響を及ぼすことから,妊娠初期から妊婦の睡眠状態を把握し,良眠に向けた保健指導・支援を行うことが重要である.今後は,主観的睡眠評価指標に加えて客観的睡眠評価指標を用いた検証や,妊娠中の睡眠状態が出生後の児へ及ぼす影響についてのさらなる研究が望まれる. Purpose: The purpose of the study was to describe the effects of sleep during pregnancy on maternal mental health, the perinatal outcome, and sleep in infancy and to review the pertinent literature. Methods: A literature search for was undertaken using the Japan Medical Abstracts Society (web version) and SCOPUS, as well as reference lists from select resources. The search terms included “pregnancy” and “sleep”; related keywords were added. Results: Forty studies were identified and classified into the following categories: “Relationship between sleep during pregnancy and maternal mental health”, n=19; “Relationship between sleep during pregnancy and the perinatal outcome”, n=18; and “Effect of sleep during pregnancy on sleep in infancy”, n=3. Many of the studies used subjective measurements of sleep. Only 5 of the 40 studies used objective and subjective methods. Subjective sleep disturbance during pregnancy is associated with depression during pregnancy and in the postpartum period, anxiety during pregnancy, and is a risk factor for vacuum-assisted delivery, cesarean delivery, and preterm birth. A few studies suggested that subjective sleep disturbance during pregnancy was associated with the sleep-wake rhythm in infancy. Conclusion: Sleep disturbance during pregnancy may be related with the pregnancy outcome, delivery, and postpartum and fetal outcomes. The present result suggested that all women should be screened and treated for sleep disturbance from early pregnancy. Further studies are needed in order to determine the effect of sleep during pregnancy on the infant.}, pages = {49--61}, title = {妊娠期の女性の睡眠が周産期のメンタルヘルスと産科的アウトカム及び出生後の児の睡眠に及ぼす影響}, volume = {27}, year = {2019} }