@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003262, author = {高田屋, 陽子 and 高橋, 省子 and TAKADAYA, Yoko and TAKAHASHI, Shoko}, journal = {秋田大学教育文化学部教育実践研究紀要, Bulletin of the Center for Educational Research and Practice, Faculty of Education and Human Studies, Akita University}, month = {Feb}, note = {近年,特別支援学校に在籍する児童生徒の障害の重度・重複化,多様化がより複雑な要素をもつ課題となっている.これまで特別支援学校においては障害の重い児童生徒の教育的ニーズに対応した「訪問教育」を実施し成果をあげてきた.しかし,医療的ケア等の必要な児童生徒が増加する一方で,学校看護師等の配置により訪問教育の対象者は全国的に減少傾向である.こうした状況の中,これまで培ってきた訪問教育の指導のノウハウを通学生の医療的ケア対象児にも活用し,学校全体で共有していくことが求められている.そこで,訪問教育を担当する教師へのインタビュー調査を実施し,重度・重複障害の児童生徒における実態把握から指導に結びつける過程,情報共有の実際について検討した.その結果,訪問担当の教師の意識の深化による児童生徒の捉え方の変化や,他者評価の取り入れにより指導のノウハウが形成されることが明らかになり,これらを通学生である医療的ケア対象児にも活用し,校内で共有することで,特別支援学校の重度・重複障害の児童生徒の指導の充実につながることが示唆された. In recent years, children with severe and multiple disabilities have posed a challenge for special needs schools, with a variety of complicating factors. Home-visit teaching has been conducted to meet the educational needs of these students, with demonstrated results. However, while the number of the students requiring medical care is increasing, the placement of professionals, such as school nurses, has resulted in a nationwide reduction in the number of subjects for homevisit teaching. Under these circumstances, previously developed expertise in home-visit teaching needs to be used for those children who commute to school and need medical care, and this instruction would be required to be shared with the entire school. In this study, an interview-style survey of teachers in charge of home-visit teaching was conducted. The objectives were to clarify how information about the students’ conditions and instructions for their care was obtained, and to reveal the status of information-sharing. Expertise in instruction has been shown to be built by the change in each teacher’s view of their students from their deepened knowledge from the teachers in charge of home-visit education, as well as by their adoption of others’ evaluations. Using this information for those children who commute to school and may need medical care, and sharing this information within the school, is suggested for enhancing instruction for severely and multiplydisabled students in special needs schools.}, pages = {157--166}, title = {特別支援学校における重度・重複障害児をめぐる教育の現状と課題 : 医療的ケア対象児における訪問教育の今後のかかわり}, volume = {40}, year = {2018} }