@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003250, author = {成田, 雅樹 and Narita, Masaki}, journal = {秋田大学教育文化学部教育実践研究紀要, Bulletin of the Center for Educational Research and Practice, Faculty of Education and Human Studies, Akita University}, month = {Feb}, note = {研究成果の顕著な点を述べる. 1 点目.国語誤用の修正指導には,予防のための指導と,文章推敲の指導の2 種類がある.この2 つは,予防から初めて推敲に進める順序で行うことが効果的である. 2 点目.国語誤用の修正は,ペアやグループで行うことが効果的である. 3 点目.国語誤用の修正は,音読しながら行うことが効果的である. 4 点目.国語誤用を防ぐためには,なぜ誤りであるのか,修正案はなぜ正しいといえるのか,はっきり説明させることが効果的である. In this study the author analysed errors in the essays which Japanese elementary school students wrote during Japanese language classes. As a result of the analysis, the author found that the following four teaching techniques are effective in helping the students notice and correct their errors:(1)there are two stages in dealing with students' errors in writing(i.e., before writing for prevention and after writing for elaboration), and making use of the two stages is effective for improving their writing skills;(2)the activity of correcting errors is effective when it is conducted in pairs or in groups;(3)the activity of reading their essay aloud helps students notice their errors; and(4)in order to prevent errors, it is effective to have students explain, in their own words, why their original version is incorrect and why the revised version is correct.}, pages = {15--27}, title = {小学生の国語誤用の収集・分析と指導法開発に関する研究(2)}, volume = {40}, year = {2018} }