@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003173, author = {播摩, 優子 and 佐々木, 久長 and HARIMA, Yuko and SASAKI, Hisanaga}, issue = {1}, journal = {秋田大学大学院医学系研究科保健学専攻紀要, Bulletin of Graduate School of Health Sciences Akita University}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究の目的は,メンタルヘルスサポーターの活動に対する自己効力感と意識・態度・行動の変化の自己評価との関連を明らかにすることである.秋田県内でメンタルヘルスサポーター活動を行っている住民105人に質問紙調査を行った(有効回答率46.7%).活動期間は1年以上5年未満が20.4%,主な活動内容は傾聴サロン活動が63.3%と最も多かった.ゲートキーパー自己効力感尺度(GKSES)の9項目の合計点を従属変数とし,性別,年代,K 6得点,活動を通しての意識・態度・行動の変化を独立変数として重回帰分析を行った.意識では「自分の内面と向き合う(β=0.381,p =0.046)」,態度では「相手の状況に合わせて話をするようになった(β=0.378,p =0.026)」「傾聴できるようになった(β=0.326,p =0.034)」,行動では「困っている人からの相談回数が増えた(β=0.449,p =0.007)」「メンタルヘルスサポーターとしてサロン活動以外のボランティア活動を行うようになった(β=-0.360,p =0.013)」が影響していた. The objective of this study is to clarify the relationship between self-efficacy and self-evaluation of consciousness, attitudes and behavior changes after participating in mental health supporting activities. A set of self-administered questionnaire was distributed to 105 participants of mental health supporting activities who resides in Akita( effective response rate 46.7%). 20.4% had participated in the activities for more than 1 year and less than 5 years. The main activity content was “listening”( 63.3%). Multiple regression analysis was performed, where the total score for 9-item Gate-keeper Self-Efficacy Scale (GKSES) was set as the dependent variable. Independent variables were sex, age, K6 scores, and consciousness, attitudes and behavior changes after participating in mental health supporting activities. Significant relationship were observed with consciousness changes “face one-self”( β=0.381, p=0.046), attitude changes “becoming able to converse with others by accommodating the person’s needs”( β=0.378, p=0.026), “becoming able to listening to others”( β=0.326, p=0.034), behavior changes “number of consultations from the person in need increased”( β=0.449, p=0.007), “becoming more involved in voluntary activities besides mental health supporting activities”( β=-0.360, p=0.013)}, pages = {79--85}, title = {メンタルヘルスサポーターの自己効力感と活動による意識・態度・行動の変化に関する自己評価}, volume = {26}, year = {2018} }