@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003133, author = {IMANO, Kazuhiko}, issue = {6}, journal = {日本画像学会誌, Journal of the Imaging Society of Japan}, month = {}, note = {A refined imaging method is proposed that can detect the surface vibration velocity of a sample placed on a vibrating piezoelectric transducer surface in air. The piezoelectric ultrasonic transducer is excited using a Barker-coded voltage signal under a constant-voltage drive to obtain a vibration velocity with the same waveform as a coded ultrasonic signal in the time domain. The coded vibration velocity is detected using a laser Doppler vibrometer and is used to image the object placed on the transducer via cross-correlation. A silicone rubber sheet containing the characters "U" and "S" are imaged under low S/N conditions to confirm the performance of the method. Ultrasonic velocity in sample can also be measured with this system.}, pages = {476--479}, title = {Barker-coded Ultrasonic Imaging using Optical Surface Vibration Measurement}, volume = {53}, year = {2014} }