@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002873, author = {宮野, 素子 and MIYANO, Motoko}, journal = {秋田大学教育文化学部教育実践研究紀要, BULLETIN OF THE CENTER FOR EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND PRACTICE FACULTY OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN STUDIES AKITA UNIVERSITY}, month = {Mar}, note = {若年無業者および早期離職者の増加が我が国における緊急の課題となっている.現代社会の急激な変化は,若者の学校から社会へのスムーズな移行を困難にしている.「生きる力」の育成をその教育理念の中心にした学習指導要領に対応して,文部科学省はすべての学校段階においてキャリアおよび職業教育のシステマティックな実施の推進を決定した.本稿では,高等教育機関におけるキャリアおよび職業教育におけるキャリア発達の問題を心理学的に論じる.3事例が紹介され,彼らのキャリア発達における職業選択にかかる意思決定のプロセスおよび積極的関与が検討される., The increasing number of those leaving work at an early stage and unemployed school graduates becomes an urgent task to solve in Japan. Today’s rapid social change has brought young people difficulties in making a smooth transition from school to becoming a member of society. In responding to the new Courses of Study which stress importance of fostering the “Zest for Life”, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology decided to promote systematic career education to each school stage. This paper discuss issues of “career development” in the career and vocational education particularly in a university setting from the psychological standpoint. Three case materials are discussed following their decision making and commitment process in the course of career development.}, pages = {193--201}, title = {キャリア教育における「キャリア発達」概念の臨床心理学的考察 -教員養成系学部生の教職選択プロセスとアイデンティティ形成-}, volume = {39}, year = {2017} }