@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002869, author = {村松, 勝信 and 藤島, 英知 and 神部, 守 and 藤井, 慶博 and MURAMATSU, Katsunobu and FUJISHIMA, Hidetomo and KANBE, Mamoru and FUJII, Yoshihiro}, journal = {秋田大学教育文化学部教育実践研究紀要, BULLETIN OF THE CENTER FOR EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND PRACTICE FACULTY OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN STUDIES AKITA UNIVERSITY}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究では,高等学校定時制課程における「ユニバーサルデザインの視点を取り入れた授業改善」の実践を通して,その有効性と教員の意識の変化を検討した.その結果,教材・教具の工夫や視覚的・聴覚的手掛かりといった授業の改善が図られ,多くの教員が授業の充実を実感していた.また,授業を参観する教員にとっても,授業を観る視点の広がりと観察する力が高まっていた.課題として,本実践の成果を生徒の学力や意識変化で検討していくことがあげられるとともに,今後学校の教育活動全体へ波及させていくことを提起した., This research discusses the effectiveness of universal design and teacher’s consciousness changes through the genuine practice for class improvement which a teacher tries to make the best use of universal design during a class at a part-time high school. As a result of class improvement above, most teachers not only showed more positive attitude toward class improvement, such as devising their teaching materials or tools and introducing more and more audio-visual aids, but also noticed a really positive reaction to their actual practice. In addition to this fact, it was quite significant that each teacher spread his/her viewpoint of class improvement in class visits. On the other hand, this research has raised a problem that needs to be considered how the effectiveness of universal design is related to student’s academic ability or consciousness changes, and how the influence of it is involved in entire educational activity hereafter.}, pages = {159--166}, title = {ユニバーサルデザインの視点を取り入れた授業改善と教員の意識変化の検討 ~高等学校定時制課程の取組から~}, volume = {39}, year = {2017} }