@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002866, author = {佐藤, 雅彦 and 浦野, 弘 and SATO, Masahiko and URANO, Hiroshi}, journal = {秋田大学教育文化学部教育実践研究紀要, BULLETIN OF THE CENTER FOR EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND PRACTICE FACULTY OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN STUDIES AKITA UNIVERSITY}, month = {Mar}, note = {神山(2006),大城・笹森(2011),佐々木・武田(2012)による既存の調査結果をもとに,通級指導教室および特別支援学級の教育課程編成の現状を調査した.その結果は,学校全体の教育課程の編成に関して加古(2006)が指摘している編成主体の偏り,その弊害と思われる教員の負担増加や孤立が,特別の教育課程の編成および個別の指導計画作成でも認められることを明らかにしている.さらに,特別支援教育担当教員が指摘する課題は,連携や情報交換・共有の不足に関連したものが多いこと,そしてそれらが通級指導教室と特別の教育課程による特別支援学級に共通して見られることを示している., Existing survey results on the current state of resource rooms and special classrooms show that they have things in common with the following problems which were pointed out in a research article on curriculum design in schools: 1)The agents of curriculum design are limited to a small number of people. 2)Potential negative effects to teachers are caused presumably by the imbalance of the agents. The results made the followings apparent as well: 3)A number of problems teachers of special needs education have to face are connected with lack of cooperation and communication with other teachers. 4)Majority of these problems appear to be common regardless of how special needs education is provided(in resource room or special classroom, as special curriculum or not). Because of these findings, the problems can be understood as useful basic resource for schools to learn and improve the work environment of the teachers for special needs education.}, pages = {127--136}, title = {特別の教育課程を必要とする場合の教育課程編成の現状とそれが教員に与える負担 -特別支援教育を対象とした既存の調査結果から-}, volume = {39}, year = {2017} }