@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002856, author = {成田, 雅樹 and NARITA, Masaki}, journal = {秋田大学教育文化学部教育実践研究紀要, BULLETIN OF THE CENTER FOR EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND PRACTICE FACULTY OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN STUDIES AKITA UNIVERSITY}, month = {Mar}, note = {この論文は小学生の言葉の使い間違いを収集し,分析した結果を述べるものである.収集した間違いは158事例であった.分析は学年ごと,間違いが表れている言語単位ごと,間違いの種類ごと,原因の推定ごとに行った.顕著に言えることは概ね以下の通りである.言語単位では,「音・文字」に表れる間違いが最多であり,特に「長音」に関するものが多い.この「音・文字」に表れた間違いの種類は,ほとんどが「欠落」と「錯誤・不使用・不足」である.しかも「錯誤・不使用・不足」は,誤りの種類のなかで最多であった. 原因推定では,「意識希薄」が最多であり,「音・文字」や「語」で「口語表現」になっている誤りが過半数を占めている.この場合の誤りの種類も,すべて「錯誤・不使用・不足」であった.学年別に見ると,すべての学年で「聞き違い」や「不注意」による「音・文字」の誤りが多かった., With an aim to develop the appropriate method for teaching Japanese essay writing to Japanese elementary school students, in this paper the author analyses errors found in their essays. A total of 158 errors were collected and they were classified according to the students’ grades, the unit of language, types of errors and possible causing factors. The results of the examination showed that, in all grades, errors related to the “sounds and letters” appeared frequently, caused by mishearing and lack of attention. In addition, from the viewpoint of unit of language, errors were found most frequently in the “sounds and letters,” especially prolonged sounds. Furthermore, of the errors related to “sounds and letters,” most fell in the categories of “missing” and “mistake, nonuse and shortage,” the latter of which was most frequent. As for possible causing factors, low awareness was the most frequent factor, and more than half of the errors were related to the students’ use of colloquial expressions in the units of “sounds and letters” and “words,” in which all the errors fell in the category of “misapprehension, nonuse and shortage.”}, pages = {15--24}, title = {小学生の国語誤用の収集・分析と指導法開発に関する研究(1)}, volume = {39}, year = {2017} }