@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002850, author = {長沼, 誠子 and NAGANUMA, Seiko}, issue = {40}, journal = {秋田大学教育学部研究紀要 自然科学, Memoirs of the College of Education, Akita University Natural sciences}, month = {Feb}, note = {The changes in texture and dietary fiber content in brackens by soaking treatment were investigated to study the effects of the dietary fiber on the texture of them. Brackens were soaked in NaHCOa solution (0%, 0.7%, 1.4%) for 16 hours. The hardness of bracken decreased significantly by soaking in NaHCOa solution, whereas increased partially in water. The content of total dietary fiber in bracken, which was 4.30% in the distal part, 2.90% in the middle and 2.54% in the proximal, was constant during soaking in each solution. However, the proportions of various dietary fibers were changed by soaking treatment. The water soluble pectic substance increased at the expense of the HCl soluble pectic substance. The amount of hemicellulose reduced slightly, but there was little change in cellulose or lignin. It seems that the proportions of dietary fibers affected the texture of the soaked bracken, and that the softening of bracken was caused by the degradation of pectic substance and hemicellulose.}, pages = {p61--70}, title = {ワラビのテクスチャ-およびダイエタリ-ファイバ-に及ぼす浸漬処理の影響}, year = {1989} }