@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002707, author = {成田, 雅樹 and NARITA, Masaki}, journal = {秋田大学教育文化学部教育実践研究紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {この論文は,小学生が作文に使用する文型について,それぞれに適した文種,表現意図 (表現する内容の種類),題材例と指導上の留意点を述べるものである.「説明型」「説得型」 「語り型」のすべての文種類別に共通する文型と,特に「語り型」に用いられる文型につ いては,表に整理して示した.また特に「説明型」「説得型」に用いられる文型については, 本文において適した文種,表現意図等の考察を述べた.指導上の留意点については,II節 で述べている., This paper discusses what genres, what types of content to be expressed, and what topics are appropriate for learning sentence patterns which elementary school students use in writing composition. It also classifies sentence patterns which are commonly used in the following three types of essays: Informative Type, Persuasive Type, and Narrative Type. Of the three types of essays, sentence patterns used in the Narrative Type essay are organized in the form of a table, while those used in the Informative Type essay and the Persuasive Type essay are discussed in relation to genres and types of content to be expressed. As a result of the discussion, the paper refers to points to note in teaching these sentence patterns.}, pages = {13--25}, title = {小学校学年別「作文指導文型」に関する研究(3) -機能・文型ごとの使用文種・表現意図の検討-}, volume = {38}, year = {2016} }