@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002689, author = {大橋, 純一 and OHASHI, Junichi}, journal = {秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要. 人文科学・社会科学自然科学}, month = {Mar}, note = {This article brings up the vocal sounds of the Shiroishi dialect as part of the descriptive research that is being done on the various Tohoku dialects. It is primarily reporting the true condition of this dialect as it differs by generation. Specifically, it brings up the following six vocal sounds: 1) the unification of /i/ with /e/, 2) the unification and voicelessness of /si/ with /su/, 3) the combining of the consecutive vowels /ai/ and /oi/, 4) the voiced consonants /k/ and /t/, 5) the nasalization of the consonants // and /d/, and 6) the palatalization of /ki/. Shiroishi city is located in the southern part of Miyagi prefecture, and in the past, it flourished as the castle town around Shiroishi castle. Moreover, within the division of dialects, it belongs to the Nanou dialect family, and the above-mentioned 1)-6) are all considered to be vocal sound phenomena that are characteristic of this dialect. The aim of this article is to clarify how all of these vocal sounds show the actual state of the dialect as it differs from generation to generation within the progression of the recent striking standardization of the language. This study used 10 men and women from elderly, middle aged, young, and adolescent age groups as its basis, and the vocal sounds that were obtained were objectively grasped through an acoustic analysis. Moreover, this comparison will not only simply determine if these phenomena are present, it will also endeavour to be able to trace the various phases of the gradated process where original dialect sounds gradually decline. This will be done through things like visually understanding the small differences or similar conditions in the parts of words that are articulated using an analysis diagram. The results of this comparison made it clear that within above-mentioned vocal sound phenomena, there are both sounds that are quickly declining or already at a terminal stage (these are especially striking when compared with other Tohoku dialects that have undergone similar large group studies) and sounds that are still leaving deeply rooted vestiges. This article's significance and achievements lie in its objective clarification of the actual condition of the vocal sounds of a specific dialect through a large group study of different generations and an acoustic analysis of the study.}, pages = {15--24}, title = {方言音声調査の記述報告 ―― 宮城県白石市 ――}, volume = {71}, year = {2016} }