@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002674, author = {外池, 智 and TONOIKE, Satoshi}, journal = {秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 教育科学}, month = {Mar}, note = {This study is in published studies on the construction of the next generation of peace education is continuing research studies on the inheritance of war has promoted research on war-related sites are promoted from the2009 fiscal year,2012 year telling, especially by using the hierarchical archive.   Talk about the experience of war, after the war 70 years has passed since World War II at the age if 10 -yearold, no longer its population total population 8%. Is conducting a trial in these circumstances, the precious "narrative" to archive in a variety of ways, also things as a succession of archives of war relics are also underway. Practice should be called "peace education of the next generation", so to speak, in school, no longer talk of a direct war experience, but by using the hierarchical archive is ever-changing and expanded.   In this study, efforts in the war experience narratives inherited projects from fiscal year 2012 has been approached as survivors in Hiroshima "experience tradition" for the first lecture by graduates of the 1 phase Takahashi, Masahiro, consider.}, pages = {1--22}, title = {戦争体験「語り」の継承とアーカイブ(3) — 広島「被爆体験伝承者」のデビュー —}, volume = {71}, year = {2016} }