@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002643, author = {齊藤, 準 and SAITO, Hitoshi}, journal = {秋田大学大学院工学資源学研究科研究報告, Scientific and technical reports of Graduate school of Engineering and Resource Science, Akita University}, month = {Oct}, note = {We have developed novel magnetic force microscopy named as alternating magnetic force microscopy (A-MFM) for DC and AC magnetic fields imaging with ultra high spatial resolution of less than 5 nm. A-MFM utilizes frequency modulation of cantilever oscillation induced by applying off-resonant alternating magnetic force to high sensitive homemade magnetic tip. A-MFM is the first magnetic force microscopy which enables near-surface magnetic imaging. A-MFM has several new functionalities such as, a) zero detection of magnetic field, b) polarity detection of magnetic field, c) stroboscopic AC magnetic field imaging and d) vector DC magnetic fields imaging with selectable measuring axis.}, pages = {1--7}, title = {高分解能・交番磁気力顕微鏡の開発とその磁性材料・磁気デバイスへの応用}, volume = {36}, year = {2015} }