@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002629, author = {成田, 真理子 and 石井, 範子 and NARITA, Mariko and ISHII, Noriko}, issue = {2}, journal = {秋田大学大学院医学系研究科保健学専攻紀要}, month = {Oct}, note = {病院に勤務する卒後2~3年目の看護師に焦点をあて, 看護実践環境と職務満足の関連を知り, 職場における就業 継続支援の方向性を明らかにする目的で, 全国156施設の「卒後1年未満」「卒後2~3年目」「卒後4~9年目」の 病棟勤務看護師を対象とした郵送式質問紙調査を行った. 結果は, 今後1年の間に現在の職場を退職したいと答えたのは23.6%であった. 看護実践環境と経験年数の関連で は, 卒後2~3年目は全てにおいて卒後1年未満よりも低得点であった(p<0.01). また, 看護実践環境のサブスケー ルの各得点を独立変数, 就業継続意志を従属変数としたロジスティック回帰分析では「人的資源の適切性」が就業継 続意志に関わっていることが明らかとなった. 看護実践環境と職務満足度の関係では, 有意な相関がみられた(p< 0.01). 卒後2~3年目は, 支援の減少を感じていることが窺われる. 就業継続のためには人的資源の充足だけでなく, 卒 後2年目以降も継続的な上司からの支援や承認が必要であることが示唆された., The purpose of this research focuses on graduation after 2-3 years of nurses who work in hospitals, to know the relationship of the nursing practice environment and job satisfaction, is to clarify the direction of the employment continued support in the workplace. I sent to less than one year after graduation, 2-3 years after graduation , 4-9 years after graduation mailed questionnaire survey of each of nurses nationwide 156 hospitals. The nurse who answered want to retire the current workplace over the next one year was 23.6%. In the context of nursing practice environment and years of experience, it was a high score than the 2-3 years after graduation , 4-9 years after graduation in all less than one year after graduation (p<0.01). Independent variables each score of sub-scale of the nursing practice environment, a logistic regression analysis with the dependent variable employment continued intention was revealed that Staffing and Resource Adequacy is involved in the continued employment will. In the context of nursing practice environment and job satisfaction, significant correlation was observed (p<0.01). I think to have felt the reduction of support to become the 2-3 years after graduation In all showed a lower number than the less than one year after graduation , second year after graduation. In this study, for continuation of employment, it was suggested that not only sufficiency of human resources, it was revealed that there is a need for support and approval from the continuous boss even second year after graduation.}, pages = {105--117}, title = {看護師の看護実践環境と職務満足との関連 ―卒後2~3年目の特徴を探る―}, volume = {23}, year = {2015} }