@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002603, author = {池本, 敦 and 黄, 鐘倩 and IKEMOTO, Atsushi and HUANG, Zhongqian}, journal = {秋田大学教育文化学部教育実践研究紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {As a field work in the class of introductory seminar for regional studies, we participated with one of the groups of undergraduate students in the activities at the Farm for Biodiversity Observation in“ Daisen Obako”, which were organized by the society for the specially cultivated rice “Omagari Hanabi Mai”. The society intended to develop a bland power of the rice and the activities were composed of food and environmental education for the local elementary school children through on-the-job training in agricultural industry. The student group established three purposes as follows(; 1)to investigate the essential qualities of “Omagari Hanabi Mai” and the Farm for Biodiversity Observation in“ Daisen Obako” by hearing survey,(2)to understand the meaning of the real activities through participating in them, and(3)to support the oversea marketing of the rice, particularly the sale to China market. Through these active learning, we obtained useful results such as a finding that the rice“ Omagari Hanabi Mai” was rate high by Chinese consumers. Furthermore, the undergraduate students were able to learn that various inventive ideas are necessary for regional development from the local residents as a result of their efforts.}, pages = {223--231}, title = {「いきものみっけファームin 大仙おばこ」における 食育・環境教育を通した地域づくり活動}, volume = {37}, year = {2015} }