@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002391, author = {湯浅, 孝男 and YUASA, Takao}, issue = {2}, journal = {秋田大学大学院医学系研究科保健学専攻紀要}, month = {Oct}, note = {回想法に参加した経験がスタッフのコミュニケーション自己評価に与える影響を検討した. 対象者は回想法参加を希望した介護老人保健施設のスタッフ10名 (平均年齢31.60±10.65歳 看護師4名, 介護士6名) だった. 回想法は1ヶ月に2回の頻度で全部で8回を一単位として行われた. 対象者は1名又は2名が8回継続して参加した. 回想法参加前後でコミュニケーションに関する自己評価 (8項目) を対象者につけてもらい, 回想法参加前と後でどのような変化があるかを見た. 自己評価は全部の項目で有意に得点が向上していた. 回想法参加はコミュニケーションに関する自己評価に影響することが示された., The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of reminiscence therapy for the self-assessment of communication skills of the nursing care staff. A before-after analysis was conducted using a questionnaire on communication skills. A total of ten nursing care staff members were studied to measure the effects of the group reminiscence therapy. One course of group reminiscence therapy consisted of eight sessions, and a total of ten courses were conducted. Each nursing care staff member participated in the eight reminiscence therapy sessions continuously, with one or two people at a time. The results showed an improvement in the score of the questionnaire in each item. The reminiscence therapy was thus found to have a positive effect on the self-assessment of communication skills for nursing care staff members.}, pages = {123--128}, title = {回想法参加経験が介護施設職員のコミュニケーション自己評価に与える影響}, volume = {22}, year = {2014} }