@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002238, author = {石井, 宏一 and ISHII, Kouichi}, journal = {秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 教育科学}, month = {Mar}, note = {“Pendulum Pattern”, which was one of the non-graphics ways well-developed in “Gestaltung” and “Basic Design” area mainly in the 1970s. The form of Pendulum Pattern, which is different from the general expression in graphics, has been producing in the process. However, today, the study of Pendulum Pattern, itself is not developed as it is different to describe the basic rules. In this study, I describe Pendulum Pattern generate rules by mathematical modeling based on theories of non-linear dynamic systems. I present forms with computer graphics procedure based on the modeling.}, pages = {15--24}, title = {ペンジュラム・パターンの生成規則の数理モデルに基づく造形展開 (2)}, volume = {69}, year = {2014} }