@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002176, author = {中村, 順子 and 木下, 彩子 and 高橋, 美岐子 and 佐藤, 沙織 and 浅見, 洋 and NAKAMURA, Yoriko and KINOSHITA, Ayako and TAKAHASHI, Mikiko and SATO, Saori and ASAMI, Hiroshi}, issue = {1}, journal = {秋田大学大学院医学系研究科保健学専攻紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {ルーラル(地方) の住民の死生観と終末期医療に関する意識を横断的経時的に明らかにする調査のひとつとして,高齢化率が40%を超える秋田県阿仁地域の住民796名に質問紙調査を行った. 297名の回答から以下の結果と考察を得た. 過疎が進むルーラルである阿仁地域の住民の「死」に対する印象は「自然」「寂しさ」「別離」であり理想的な「死」は「人に迷惑をかけない」死であった. 身体に負担がかかっても最期まで治療の継続を希望する者は17%おり, 死に臨んでも尚, 医療で治そうとするモデルすなわち医学モデルの発想は存在している. 最期の療養場所として37%の住民しか在宅を希望していないのは現実には在宅死を支える医療のシステムがないことからと考えられる. しかし同時に27%の住民は在宅死が可能であると考えており, 最期の療養場所として自宅を希望し, かつ実現が可能であると考えている者も21%いることが明らかになった. 在宅死を可能にする条件の3位に「訪問看護の支援」が上がっており, 訪問看護を中心とする在宅ケアシステムの充実を図ることが住民の希望を可能にすることの一つであると考える., To elucidate the views on life and death as well as to determine the awareness of terminal care, among rural residents in a continuous cross-sectional manner, a questionnaire survey was conducted on a total of 796 residents of the Ani region of Akita Prefecture, where elderly people comprise over 40% of the population. Responses were obtained from 297 subjects, and the results are described below. The residents of the Ani region, a rural area with a shrinking population, viewed “death” as “natural” and resulting in “loneliness”, and “separation”, and regarded “not causing trouble to others” as the ideal “death”. In addition, 17% of subjects wished to continue treatment until the end of their lives even if it exerted a physical burden. This indicates the presence of the concept of a model in which patients attempted to recover through medical treatment even in the face of death, in other words the model of medicine. The finding that only 37% of residents wished to spend the terminal stage at home was thought to be due to the reality that no medical system supporting death at home exists. At the same time, however, 27% of residents felt that death at home was feasible, and 21% wished to spend the terminal stage at home and also felt that it was feasible. “Support for visiting nursing” ranked third among the conditions required to enable death at home, indicating that enhancement of homecare systems centered around visiting nursing is crucial for enabling residents to spend the terminal stage as desired.}, pages = {77--85}, title = {阿仁地域における住民の死生観と在宅終末期医療に関する意識}, volume = {22}, year = {2014} }