@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002134, author = {佐々木, 恵理子 and 田口, 可奈子 and 小玉, 恵子 and 篠原, ひとみ and SASAKI, Eriko and TAGUCHII, Kanako and KODAMA, Keiko and SHINOHARA, Hitomi}, issue = {2}, journal = {秋田大学大学院医学系研究科保健学専攻紀要}, month = {Oct}, note = {本研究は, 妊婦のセルフケア行動を促す保健指導を行うために, ①セルフケア行動の動機づけおよびセルフケア行動意図と妊婦の背景との関係を明らかすること, ②妊婦自身が日々の状況や行動を客観的に把握してチェックする介入を行い, セルフケア行動意図に与える効果を明らかにすることを目的とした. 妊娠中期の妊婦70名を対象に質問紙による調査を行い, 以下の結果と結論を得た.1. BMI25.0以上の妊婦は医療者から認められたいと考えていたが, 日常生活動作への配慮への意図は低かった.このことから, BMI25.0以上の妊婦にはできていることを肯定する指導が必要である.2. 妊娠経過異常の有る妊婦は母親役割や分娩への準備が遅れ, 食生活の配慮に対する意図が低かったことから,この2点についての指導が重要である.3. デイリーマタニティチェックを2週間記載することで, 母親役割や分娩への準備, 食生活や日常生活動作への配慮が上昇し, 特に初産婦の母親役割や分娩への準備, 仕事の持つ妊婦の日常生活への配慮に効果があった., The purpose of this study was toclarify the relationship between motivation and intention of self-care behavior in pregnant women and their background. In addition it was to clarify the effectiveness of maternity monitoring checks on self-care behavior intention. The subjects were 70 pregnant women. The results were as follows: 1. Pregnant women with BMI over 25.0 felt that they want recognition from their carers but as consideration of their behavior was low, positive affirmation is needed. 2. Pregnant women with abnormal pregnancy were under prepared for childbirth and their role as a mother, and had a low level of consideration for diet, and so guidance is needed in these two areas. 3. As a result of the two-week monitoring check, intention of self-care for preparation for childbirth and role as a mother, diet and consideration of behavior rose. It was especially effective for primipara mothers for intention of self-care for preparation for childbirth and role as a mother, and women in employment for consideration of their daily life behavior.}, pages = {145--154}, title = {妊婦のセルフケア行動, その背景因子とデイリーマタニティチェックの効果}, volume = {21}, year = {2013} }