@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002055, author = {佐藤, 圭吾 and 内海, 淳 and SATO, Keigo and UTSUMI, Jun}, issue = {35}, journal = {秋田大学教育文化学部教育実践研究紀要}, month = {May}, note = {特別支援教育は,インクルーシブ教育システムの構築を目指した新たな局面を迎えているしかし,その現状は全体的には体制の整備が進んでいるものの,取組に学校間格差があり,特別支援教育にかかる専門性の向上や校内体制の活性化など,教育実践の「質」に依然課題がある.そこで本研究では,実践事例をもとに特別支援教育に係る校内体制の機能向上を図るために巡同相談員等が行う学校支援の在り方について検討した.その結果,保護者を含めた関係者が一堂に会して「個別の教育支援計両」の作成・評価を行うことが,共通理解を図り支援の実効性を高めるとともに,支援を引き継ぐ上でも有効であった.また,コンサルテーションにあたっては,担任等の負担も考慮し,成果を実感できるようサポートすること,ケース解決を通して段階的に役割を校内委員会へ移行していくよう計画することが大切と考えられた., Special needs education in Japan is undergoing steady organizational improvement. The immediate issues are specialization pertaining to special needs education, vital station of school committees and improvement in “quality” of education in practice. The objective of this research is to examine the role of the itinerant consultants in promoting special needs education. Study into actual cases revealed the following. Concerted effort by custodians and guardians of the school children and other interested parties in the production and evaluation of “individualized educational support plans” enables: (1) The establishment of a relationship of trust through shared understanding; (2) improvement in the effectiveness of support; and (3) continuity of effective support. There were 2 key points found in conducting consultations. One is (1) to provide support in the form that the supporter is able to feel concrete results while paying attention to the sense of burden the supporter feels and (2) to plan transfer of the role in steps, through resolving problems in each case, to the school committee.}, pages = {93--98}, title = {特別支援教育体制の推進を図るための巡回相談員の役割 : 実践事例を通した学校支援の在り方に関する検討}, year = {2013} }