@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002025, author = {寺井, 謙次 and 堀江, 岳志 and TERAI, Kenji and HORIE, Takeshi}, issue = {1}, journal = {日本作物學會紀事}, month = {Mar}, note = {アズキ(Vigna angularis)のなかでも,極めて在来性の強いシロアズキの収量特性を明らかにする目的で,秋田県内の在来系統10系統を栽培し,形態的特性と収量構成形質について比較検討を行った. 1) 収量構成形質は,百粒重と個体当り粒数で系統間差異が大きく,その粒数百粒重比(1株粒数/百粒重)をパラメータにして,粒大型,中間型,粒数型の三つの型に類別された系統群と形態的特性との関連では,個体当り分枝数は粒数型系統で多く,粒大型系統で少なかった. 2) 生育相の特徴をみると,栄養生長期間については,粒数依存の大きい系統ほど長くなる傾向がみられたが,結実期間については系統間に差がみられなかった. 3) 粒数依存系統群は英の成熟斉一性が低く,個体内での子実の成熟不揃いが大きいために,子実の脱粒率も高くなる傾向がみられた. 4) 諸形質の系統間差異と栽培地の気象要因との関係をみたところ,個体当り分枝数と粒数は,栽培地の積算日照時間(過去16年間の生育期間中の月別平均値)との間で高い正の相関が,ー方,百粒重は積算温度(27年間の同様の平均値)との間で高い負の相関が認められた., To clarify the varietal characteristics in an native variety of white azuki bean ( Vigna angularis) , of endemic name "Shiro azuki", ten strains collected from various parts of Akita prefecture were cultivated, and some morphological characteristics and yield components of those strains were investigated. The results are summarized as follows : Since ten strains showed large differences in the characters of weight of 100 grains per plant, those strains were grouped into three types (Grain-Size type, Medium type and Grain-Number type) on the basis of Grain-Number・100 Grain Weight ratio proposed by Matsumoto et al. in 1987. Grain-Number types exhibited relatively large number of braches compared to the Grain-Size types. Among the strains, the periods of vegetative growth became longer in strains of Grain-Number types than in those of Grain-Size types, while with regard to the period of reproductive growth there was not such variations. The frequence of occurrence of delayed pod maturation plants was significantly higher in Grain-Number types than in Grain-Size types. The delay of such ripening in Grain-Number types brought about a great disadvantage in seed-setting. Phenotypic correlations between sunshine hours (the mean values collected from May to Nov. during the past 16 years in the native place of each strain) and number of branches and grains per plants were highly positive respectively. On the other hand, there was a negative association between accumulated temperature (the mean values collected from May to Nov. during the past 27 years) and weight of 100 grains.}, pages = {8--14}, title = {秋田県内のシロアズキ在来品種間における収量特性の比較}, volume = {60}, year = {1991} }