@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001989, author = {水田, 敏彦 and 鎌滝, 孝信 and 中田, 真一 and MIZUTA, Toshihiko and KAMATAKI, Takanobu and NAKATA, Shinichi}, journal = {秋田大学大学院工学資源学研究科研究報告, Scientific and technical reports of Graduate school of Engineering and Resource Science, Akita University}, month = {Oct}, note = {The coastal area of Akita prefecture had big earthquake and Tsunami that caused of serious amounts of loss of life. In The Great East Japan Earthquake, judgment and action for the post-quake evacuation made a huge difference on casualties. In February, 2012, Katagami city made tsunami hazard map and evacuation spot available to the public. Katagami city is also working hard to diffuse cognition of disaster prevention by practicing tsunami drill, and had questionnaire investigation on May 26th, 2012. We explain current detail situation of evacuation activity of inhabitants in Katagami based on their result of the investigation. We also figure out how the information transferred and if evacuation spot has any problems to make basic data that studies disaster prevention measure against tsunami in the future.}, pages = {51--54}, title = {潟上市を対象とした住民の防災意識と避難に関する調査}, volume = {33}, year = {2012} }