@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001974, author = {浅野, 朝秋 and 石川, 隆志 and ASANO, Tomoaki and ISHIKAWA, Takashi}, issue = {2}, journal = {秋田大学大学院医学系研究科保健学専攻紀要}, month = {Oct}, note = {認知症高齢者における注意の維持集中の特性を調べる目的で, ボード上に配列されたランダムに点灯する12個のランプ毎の反応時間を計測し, 認知症群(n=19) と非認知症群(n=19) で比較した. その際に点灯間隔に関して,0.5秒, 1秒, 2秒, 3秒, 5秒の5条件を設定し, 条件毎の反応時間を比較検討した. また, 90秒間の課題遂行時間を30秒毎に分割し, 各期の反応時間を比較検討した. さらに認知症群に関しては, 高頻度群(週1回以上実施した群, n=7) と低頻度群(週1回未満実施した群, n=10) とで, 点灯間隔条件毎の反応時間の前後比較を実施した.結果, 中等度以降の認知症者においては, 0.5秒条件と5秒条件において反応時間が遅延し, 注意の維持・集中の低下や注意範囲の狭小化が示唆された. しかし高頻度群においては反応時間の遅延がみられず, マルチランプ課題による注意機能維持が示唆された., The aim of this study was to investigate the characteristics of focused attention of elderly people with dementia. We measured the reaction time to each of 12 lamps arranged on a board which turned on at random, and compared the reaction time of elderly people with dementia (n=19) and without dementia (n=19). We set five conditions (0.5 seconds, 1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds, and 5 seconds) for the lighting interval, and compared the reaction time for each condition. We divided 90 seconds of the execution time of the multi lamp task into 3 periods of 30 seconds, and compared the reaction time for each period. We compared the reaction time for the first and second periods in the high frequency group (at least once a week execution) and low frequency group (less than once a week). As a result, in moderate and severe dementia reaction time was significantly delayed for the 0.5 seconds and 5 seconds condition, and it was suggested that focused attention declines and the range of attention narrows. However, reaction time delay was not noticed in the high frequency group, suggesting that focused attention is maintained during the multi lamp task.}, pages = {75--83}, title = {認知症高齢者における注意の維持集中に関する一考察-マルチランプ反応課題を用いた試行より-}, volume = {20}, year = {2012} }