@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001864, author = {姫野, 完治 and 石橋, 研一 and 神居, 隆 and 斎藤, 孝 and HIMENO, Kanji and ISHIBASHI, Kenichi and KAMII, Takashi and SAITO, Takashi}, issue = {33}, journal = {秋田大学教育文化学部教育実践研究紀要}, month = {May}, note = {教員免許取得に必要な必修科目として,2010年度の入学者より「教職実践演習」が加わった.同科目を教職課程における学びの軌跡の集大成として大学4年次に位置付け,ロールプレイや模擬授業等を行うことを通して,教員として必要最小限の資質能力を確実に保証することが求められている.本研究では,教職実践演習のカリキュラムを開発するとともに,2010年度の4年次と大学院生19名を対象として試行した.その結果,カリキュラムには一定の評価を得られた一方で,3年後の本格実施に向けた課題も明らかになった., The licensing law for the teaching staff at schools has been revised as of the academic year of 2010 applicable to students entering a university in and after that year, as a result of which a practical seminar for teaching-job has been introduced as a mandatory course for those who seek a teaching license. It is necessary bring up to humanity and ability for become school teacher through the role playing and lesson study in teacher-training course. This paper is a report on the class of curriculum developed and tested, on behalf of some 19 fourth year and graduate students. As a result, the problem for the real execution after three years was clarified to the curriculum while a constant evaluation had been obtained.}, pages = {123--132}, title = {教職実践演習のカリキュラム開発と試行}, year = {2011} }