@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001699, author = {三戸, 範之 and SANNOHE, Noriyuki}, journal = {秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 教育科学}, month = {Mar}, note = {The purpose of this study was to examine movement tasks of judo throwing techniques in instructing novices. Participants were 28 high school students who attended judo classes. The l9 movement tasks were selected to analyze from integral parts of throwing techniques: ouchi-gari,tai-otoshi, seoi-nage, and harai-goshi. Visual instructions proceeded about movement processes of throwing techniques in the first class and about each movement tasks of throwing techniques in the 2nd class followed by the practices of throwing techniques. Participants were evaluated whether their performances of the movements were correct or not in practices of throwing techniques. Binomial tests were conducted and the results demonstrated as follows. The number of the participants who performed correctly was more than that of the participants who performed incorrectly in l2 movement tasks. This indicated that novices would not have difficulty learning the skills of these movements and visual instruction would be effective in improving them. In other 7 movement tasks, there were not tendencies that the number of the participants who performed correctly was more than that of the participants who performed incorrectly. This indicated it was not easy for novices to learn these movements.}, pages = {49--55}, title = {未熟練者指導における柔道投げ技の運動課題}, volume = {65}, year = {2010} }