@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001486, author = {平, むつ子 and 平元, 泉 and TAIRA, Mutsuko and HIRAMOTO, Izumi}, issue = {2}, journal = {秋田大学医学部保健学科紀要}, month = {Oct}, note = {本研究の目的は, 哺乳びんによる授乳の学内演習の効果を明らかにし, 「哺乳びんによる授乳」技術について効果 的な教育方法を検討することである. 平成19年度に, 臨地実習が終了した4年生と学内演習を経験した2年生を対象 に12項目のチェックリストを用いて授乳技術を評価した結果, 授乳経験の有無による差はなかった. 演習未実施群の 4年生は乳児の抱き方, 演習実施群の2年生は哺乳びんの持ち方の習得率が有意に高かった. 哺乳びんによる授乳技 術の習得のためには, 児の抱き方, 哺乳びんの持ち方, 乳首の含ませ方を技術演習で学ばせるとともに, 臨地実習で は経験の機会を作り, 確実に指導する必要がある. The purpose of this study was to clarify the effectiveness of class bottle feeding practice and to consider effective education methods for baby bottle feeding technique. After evaluation with a 12-item checklist, there was no difference between those who had practiced in class and those who had not. The fourth years who had not received practice had a significantly higher acquisition rate for how to hold a baby and the second years who had received practice had a significantly higher acquisition rate for how to hold a baby bottle. It is important to study feeding as a whole specifically and to make opportunities for clinical practice in order for students to acquire bottle-feeding technique.}, pages = {47--52}, title = {「哺乳びんによる授乳」技術の教育方法の検討}, volume = {16}, year = {2008} }