@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001457, author = {大場, 司 and 林, 信太郎 and OHBA, Tsukasa and HAYASHI, Shintaro}, journal = {秋田大学工学資源学部研究報告, Scientific and technical reports of Faculty of Engineering and Resource Science,Akita University}, month = {Oct}, note = {Geology around the Aratozawa huge landslide triggered by the Iwate-Miyagi Inland Earthquake was surveyed several days after the landslide. Lacustrine sedimentary rocks are overlain by a thick pumice tuff which exposes at the lower scarp. The thick pumice tuff is overlain by a welded tuff at the scarp. A review on previous studies on the area revealed inconsistency among interpretations for their sedimentation ages, ranging from Miocene to Quaternary. Similar past huge landslides, which are identified from topographies, around nearby volcanoes are attributed to the similarity of geology and geomorphology.}, pages = {9--15}, title = {宮城県栗原市荒砥沢ダム巨大地すべりの地質背景}, volume = {29}, year = {2008} }