@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001446, author = {工藤, 俊輔 and 大澤, 諭樹彦 and 若山, 佐一 and ほか and KUDO, Shunsuke and OSAWA, Yukihiko and WAKAYAMA, Saichi}, issue = {1}, journal = {秋田大学医療技術短期大学部紀要}, month = {Apr}, note = {We investigated the actual condition of 6 Geriatric Health Service Facilitie's wheelchair user in Akita Prefecture and got the result like the following is reported. 1, Subjects: Old the disabled of 65 persons who use the wheelchair in the daily life, since the walking is difficult. The cerebrovascular disorder occupies 44 person (67.8%) and the most part on the diagnosis, and they could build up by themselves from the wheelchair without bracket on 32 person (49%), and It was 55 person (84.6%) they were no support level in sitting position. 2, Methods physical therapist, occupational therapist are directly interviews to them. It was done, and anthropometry and suitability of the wheelchair were evaluated. 3, Conclusions In the geriatric health service facilities, the ready-made wheelchair is mainly used, and It was used the wheelchair of the big texture wheelchairs for the body of the user. So We suggested the necessity of simple modular-unit wheelchair development by the ready-made wheelchair.}, pages = {70--78}, title = {障害のある高齢者が使用している車いすの問題点 -老人保健施設での使用実態調査から-}, volume = {10}, year = {2002} }