@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001393, author = {勝守, 真 and KATSUMORI, Makoto}, journal = {秋田大学教育学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学, Memoirs of the College of Education, Akita University. The humanities & the social sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {After outlining Hitoshi Nagai's theory of the as the "unique point of origin" of the world, including his account of the relation between the 's degeneration and the problem of the Other, this paper makes an inquiry into my own 'reading' of this theory. The analysis indicates how I inevitably 'translate' the theory in either of two ways, that is, either reading what Nagai calls as the for Makoto Katsumori or attributing it to the speaker himself, thus giving rise to two alternative modes of degeneration of the . A further discussion suggests that, by paradoxically combining these two ways of reading, I, as the , receive Nagai's discourse as a speech given by an Other, namely, another .}, pages = {9--18}, title = {永井均の<私>論を読む}, volume = {51}, year = {1997} }