@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001224, author = {吉永, 慎二郎 and YOSHINAGA, Shinjiro}, journal = {秋田大学教育学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学, Memoirs of the College of Education, Akita University. The humanities & the social sciences}, month = {Dec}, note = {In this paper I aim to make clear the problem how had the idea of Sage 聖人 of Mong zi 孟子 been built up. The development of the idea of Sage was related to the idea of Holy King. The school who first used the word Holy King 聖王 is Mo jia 墨家. After they use this word, the word of Sage began to be built up its idea corresponding to that of Holy King. In "Mo zi" (墨子)there are two kinds of Sage. The first type is the Sage as a Chief Retainer, the second is that as a Holy King. At first the idea of Sage answered to the former and at last answered to the later. In "Mong Zi"(孟子)the word Holy King is only once used. But the idea of Sage of Mong zi 孟子is nearly related to the idea of Holy King. We can find out three kinds of idea of Sage in "Mong zi" (孟子). The first type is the idea of the Sage as a Holy King. The second type is that of the Sage as a Chief Retainer. The third is that of the Sage as an Eternal Teacher. In these three types the first and the second is clearly derived from the idea of Mo jia 墨家. And the third idea is that originally developed by Mong zi 孟子. Therefore we can say that the idea of Sage of Mong zi 孟子 had been built up at the influence of Mo jia 墨家.}, pages = {49--63}, title = {孟子における聖王と聖人 : その墨家思想の受容}, volume = {48}, year = {1995} }