@article{oai:air.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001203, author = {持田, 行雄 and MOCHIDA, Yukio}, journal = {秋田大学教育部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学, Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Akita University. The humanities & the social sciences}, month = {Feb}, note = {This paper is an attempt to consider what the understanding of historical materials is on the assumption that ethics is a science based upon documents. "Acta martyrum", reporting the martyrdoms in the persecution ages, has only a little historical credibility. Hence a new way to understand the documents must be sought for. A clue to solve the problem must be found by the method of the existential interpretation of the modern Protestant theology. It will be a future task for Christian ethics to reconsider "Acta martyrum" in terms of the existential interprepation; for so far" Acta martyrum" as historical materials has been so much neglected.}, pages = {17--31}, title = {認識と解釈 - 『殉教者行伝』の解釈を中心に -}, volume = {32}, year = {1982} }